Regular Crust
Red Sauce
Red Onion
- Tomato
- Black Olive
- Feta
- Artichoke
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: OLAS (Our Lord & Savior) Cathy saved us so many times from certain disaster.
This Goes Great With
Auntie Karen
Regular Crust, BBQ Sauce, Roasted Chicken, Red Onion, Bacon, Pineapple, CheddarRegular Crust
BBQ Sauce
Roasted Chicken
- Red Onion
- Pineapple
- Bacon
- Cheddar
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Here’s an honest story for ya, when Pizza Pete and Katie PIE first created the Honor Roll, we had no idea how emotionally invested our family and friends would be about it. Honestly, Katie hadn’t put her sisters on the first draft, and definitely got in trouble for that decision! Tamika, was a brainstormed name, that we fabricated as we drove to the post office and dreamed about our future.
Categories: Home-featured, Menu$7.85 -
Regular Crust, Red – Extra Saucy, Fresh Beef, Tomato, Green Olive, Red OnionRegular Crust
Red – Extra Saucy
Fresh Beef
- Tomato
- Green Olive
- Red Onion
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Mom is extra saucy, Pizza Pete wouldn’t have it any other way. This woman has spirit and spunk! Where would be without the mom? She is the glue that holds this crazy family together. She raised 3 young ladies while her husband built his stores. Today, she helps in our stores when needed, has a successful piano studio and supports her young ladies in any way possible!
Category: Menu$7.85 -
Thick Crust, Red Sauce, Bacon, Pineapple, Ham, FetaThick Crust
Red Sauce
- Ham
- Pineapple
- Feta
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Thick crust, ham pineapple, bacon and feta- where do you think Harry is from? If you guessed New York, you’d be right. What an insane guy- there is no sane person from New York who eats thick crust pizza, or would ever allow pineapple to touch it! But the iPIE matches his personality. Harry is sweet, a little salty thick and robust.
Category: Menu$7.85 -
Jolly Molly (Classic New York Cheese)
Thin Crust, Red + White Sauce,
CheeseThin Crust
Red + White Sauce
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: The first seven words uttered when Jolly Molly was born was- “Oh my god, she’s got red hair”. Her beautiful curly red hair is a reflection of her bright and wonderful personality. A little bit wild, and a whole lot lovely. Molly loves, singing, dancing and giving her sister Katie PIE hugs.
Category: Menu$7.85 -