Auntie Karen
Regular Crust
BBQ Sauce
Roasted Chicken
- Red Onion
- Pineapple
- Bacon
- Cheddar
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Here’s an honest story for ya, when Pizza Pete and Katie PIE first created the Honor Roll, we had no idea how emotionally invested our family and friends would be about it. Honestly, Katie hadn’t put her sisters on the first draft, and definitely got in trouble for that decision! Tamika, was a brainstormed name, that we fabricated as we drove to the post office and dreamed about our future.
This Goes Great With
Regular Crust, Red – Extra Saucy, Fresh Beef, Tomato, Green Olive, Red OnionRegular Crust
Red – Extra Saucy
Fresh Beef
- Tomato
- Green Olive
- Red Onion
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Mom is extra saucy, Pizza Pete wouldn’t have it any other way. This woman has spirit and spunk! Where would be without the mom? She is the glue that holds this crazy family together. She raised 3 young ladies while her husband built his stores. Today, she helps in our stores when needed, has a successful piano studio and supports her young ladies in any way possible!
Category: Menu$7.85 -
Royce’s Choice (Vegan)
Regular Crust, Vegan Bomb Sauce, No Cheese, Spinach, Mushroom, Green Pepper, Tomato, Onion, Banana Pepper, Green Olive, Kalamata Olive, ArtichokeRegular Crust
Vegan Flavor Bomb Sauce
No Cheese
- Spinach
- Mushroom
- Green Pepper
- Tomato
- Onion
- Banana Pepper
- Green Olive
- Kalamata Olive
- Artichoke
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Can you imagine the envy a spot on the Honor Roll could create? Hence, this addition, Royce’s Choice. Royce is the 2nd child of the Pizza Queen. In the first tender years of his life, he proved to be a complete beast, so we had to name this peaceful pie in his honor. Royce, we love you!
$7.85 -
Thin Crust, Hot Wing Sauce, Chicken, Tomato, Red Onion, Jalapeno, CheddarThin Crust
Hot Wing Sauce
- Tomato
- Red Onion
- Jalapeno
- Cheddar
(Click photo for origin stories)
Origin: Allow us to shine light on the festival food vending life. You meet fantastic people, you trade amazing food and you work very hard! Jonny was one of the people who we met in this friendly scene. Years ago, during “Nedfest” Jonny was manning the Oscar Blue booth. He had a vision, a mouthwatering hot wing chicken PIE, and together, we created this pie, a heat you up, make you happy very tasty iPIE
Category: Menu$7.85