Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Compost! We strive to be stewards of our environment, not because we are required to but because we choose to!

We employ Alpine Waste to whisk away our rubbish, have separate bins for waste sorting, inspire our employees and educate our fans!

Our daily decisions have an impact on our earths natural resources.

We believe in power of the people and think we can have a better world for all and future for our kids, grandkids and more.

iPIE uses corn based, compostable straws and ramekins, we encourage multiple use cups, plates and cutlery.

Gloves– iPIE takes food sanitation very seriously. Gloves create a false sense of cleanliness, generate extra waste. We adhere to strict hand washing guidelines. iPIE uses gloves by request.

Boxes– boxes are bulky and use a lot of trees! We encourage you to recognize this and forego the box. Dine in and take your leftovers in easily recyclable foul. 

Store Construction- We build our stores in former restaurant locations, reusing prior infrastructure. Much of our equipment is previously owned including ovens, tables and chairs. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a hierarchy. While America is improving recycling, it is option #3. First, reduce and reuse. Reduce is why we push back on boxes. Foil is crazy recyclable and uses way less resources. Reuse is a store construction principle.
Check our latest Alpine Waste Report.